6 Ways to Keep Your Kitty Happy and Healthy

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We all know that cats are pretty independent creatures. They’re known for being a bit of a loner
and choosing to spend their time alone. However, it’s essential for you as the pet parent to make
sure your kitten is happy and healthy! In this blog post, we’ll show you six ways to keep your
kitten happy and healthy so they can live a long life with you.

Feed your kitten like a true carnivore

Cats are a carnivorous species, and as such, they need a diet high in protein. Feed them kitten
food that has been specially formulated for a kitten’s age and their nutritional needs. The protein
content in kitten food should be between 25% to 35%. Dry kitten food should have about 35
percent protein and 12 to 24 percent fat content; canned food will appear to have less because it
is diluted with water.

Cummings Veterinary Medical Center adds that “Cats have higher protein requirements than
dogs. The AAFCO nutrient profiles have a minimum protein of 6.5 g/100 kcal for adult cats and
7.5 g/100 kcal for pregnant and nursing cats and kittens. Many commercial dry cat foods contain
1.5 -2 times more protein than the AAFCO minimum for adult cats. As with dog foods, wet cat
diets are more variable but tend to be higher in protein than dry foods.


Give your kitten treats occasionally. However, be sure to give them healthy treats so you don’t
undo all the hard work you’ve done to ensure they have a high-quality kitten food diet. Treats
should only account for around 15% of their daily caloric intake.

Vitamins and minerals are essential too! Vitamins and minerals are necessary for kitten health.
You should be supplementing their diet with kitten vitamins that have been specially formulated
to meet all their needs in this stage of development.


Cats are natural hunters, so you’ll want to provide your kitten with opportunities throughout the day when they can hunt insects, bugs, etc. You can do this with a bug zapper or by leaving food
outside in your garden.

Cats also love to climb, so provide them with high places that they can jump up onto and perch on when they’re feeling tired. You could place a cat tree near the window for sunbathing too!

Kitten Toys

Toys are essential for kittens and should be rotated regularly so that your kitten doesn’t get bored. Just like children, cats can become easily bored if they have the same toy all the time.

Kitten toys are also essential for mental stimulation, which helps with kitten behavior problems. If your kitty is feeling a little stir crazy, provide them with stimulating toys to keep their minds active! Feline socialization is key to preventing behavioral problems. Kittens love to play so providing an environment that meets a kitten’s behavioral needs oftentimes prevents behavioral
issues from happening.

Schedule Veterinary Visits

Keeping your kitten happy and healthy means keeping up with regular veterinary visits. The
American Animal Hospital Association recommends that kittens visit the veterinarian at least three times in their first year of life. However, more is often necessary for young cats just getting
used to a home environment. Here’s the takeaway:

  • Don’t forget to take your kitten in for their first round of vaccinations and deworming!
  • We recommend keeping a kitten health guide on hand, so you know what signs to watch out
    for, when to call the vet, etc. This can be especially helpful if you have multiple cats who are all
    exhibiting similar symptoms.
  • Keep your kitten’s health records in one convenient location so you can easily access them if
    needed during an emergency.

Visit your kitten’s vet as soon as you bring them home, then schedule regular checkups for health
guidance and vaccinations throughout kittenhood. Your kitten may need to see a specialist if he has chronic health concerns that require surgical care or long-term care.

Minimize Environmental Stressors

Keep your kitten’s environment stress-free and promote self-soothing. For example, if you have
multiple cats in the household, you should opt for numerous litter boxes and place them where
all of the cats can easily access them. This minimizes conflict between cats. If there are any other environmental factors causing tension, like food bowls or toys, make sure to keep these in
separate locations.

  • Also, avoid loud noises that may scare your kitten. If you are using things like vacuums and blenders, do so when they’re not around. This way, they won’t associate the sound with
    something negative.
  • Keep their routine consistent! Kittens have a natural inclination to sleep during the day and be active at night. Try to keep your kitten’s schedule as close as possible so they can get used to it from an early age.
  • Minimize stress by adding environmental enrichment! Enrichment is anything that gives your kitten mental stimulation, which adds more fun into their lives while also preventing boredom. New kitten toys or a kitten tree is a great way to add enrichment into their lives while also providing them with something that they can climb on and scratch instead of your furniture!
  • Also, make sure you have plenty of space for climbing, jumping, hiding spots, etc… Kittens
    love to get up high, so having cat trees in multiple rooms is a great way to keep their content and out of trouble at the same time!
  • Keep kittens safe by providing suitable hiding spots throughout your home. If there are multiple levels in your house, make sure they have access to upper shelves or, even better – cat trees! Not only will these provide fun for your kitten but also keep your kitten safe from predators like dogs and children who may not know how to handle a kitten.
  • Take them outdoors as often as possible, but only in secured safe areas! Make your backyard kitten-friendly by adding climbing structures and hiding spots so they can explore safely while also getting some fresh air.
  • Give your kitten plenty of positive attention for good behavior or when they’re playing with
    new toys or scratching posts. If they have a behavior, you want to discourage, ignore it and try rewarding them when they do something else!
  • Use kitten-safe cleaners around your kitten so that there is no risk of chemical exposure or
  • Be wary of feeding kittens human food since these may not be nutritionally balanced for your kitten’s small stomach!
  • Finally, kitten proof your home to avoid potential hazards like chewing on cords or eating things they shouldn’t. Provide kitten with safe toys and spaces so that there are no risks of injury!

Final Thoughts

As you can see, kitten-proofing your home and keeping up with regular kitten checkups is a lot of work! Luckily there are many resources available to help keep your kitten happy and healthy. Visit your vet for advice on how to properly care for kittens and any routine vaccinations they may need during kittenhood.

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